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Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to attach the B410 claim form as an attachment?
No. The fillable form will create the B410 form. Any attachments should consist of supporting documentation to the Proof of Claim.
What happens if a document is filed in error?
Most errors will be immediately advertised through the real time electronic notices and access to the docket report; making deletions of entries to the docket or associated .pdf document is very rare. Although the Court may make corrections to the docket text, the filer may submit an amended pleading if the filer needs to correct a pleading or the court may ask the filer to submit an amended pleading.
How long will it take to transmit lengthy documents?
The time it takes to transmit a document primarily depends on the user's Internet Service Provider (ISP), modem speed, and the size of PDF file being transmitted. Generally, the larger the file, the longer it will take to load.
Can an attorney authorize someone in the attorney's office (such as a paralegal) to use the attorney's login name and password to file documents in CM/ECF?
It is recommended that the attorney be the only one to use the attorney's account. Documents may be filed on behalf of the attorney by a registered filing agent. More information on filing agents is available at the following link: CM/ECF Registration Information
How is the requirement of an original signature (attorney and/or debtor) handled for CM/ECF cases?
There are two distinct issues: attorney signatures and debtor signatures.
When registering to use the system, attorneys sign an agreement to the effect that use of their login name and password (whether by themselves personally or by delegation to a filing agent) constitutes their signatures on the documents electronically filed. The electronically filed document will indicate a signature e.q. "s/Attorney Name" wherever a signature is needed.
For documents that must be signed by the debtor (such as petitions, lists, schedules, statements, etc.), originally executed paper copies must be kept by the attorney. The signed document may be scanned or an electronically filed document may indicate a signature, e.g. "s/ Jane Doe"
For more information on this topic see the CM/ECF ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDE OF POLICIES & PROCEDURES in the Court’s Local Rules.
How is payment of filing fees handled for CM/ECF cases?
Attorneys that file documents on-line that require a filing fee will be prompted at the end of their transaction to pay fees using a credit card or debit card. Filers can choose to pay after every transaction or can simply make one payment at the end of the day for all transactions.
Since access is limited to authorized attorneys, is there any way for pro se filers or attorneys without Internet access to file documents in CM/ECF cases?
Yes. The court still accepts paper filing, and then dockets the image in the CM/ECF system. Attorneys who file paper documents will receive a show cause order, as the Court is mandatory electronic filing for attorneys.
Can the general public view CM/ECF cases and the documents in those cases?
Access to view cases and documents in CM/ECF is available to anyone with a PACER login and password. PACER offers convenient electronic access to case file documents, listing of all case parties, reports of case related information, chronologies of events entered in the case record, claim registries, listing of new cases, judgments or case status, and a calendar of events. For more information regarding PACER, please visit the PACER website at:
To defray the costs of PACER and CM/ECF, the Judicial Conference has set a fee of 10-cents per page or a $3.00 maximum charge per document for electronic court data via the internet, except for calendar information, for which there is no charge. All fees are set by the Judicial Conference of the United States and subject to change. Parties entitled to documents as part of the legal process receive a free electronic copy, although they will be charged for replacement copies, whether in paper or electronic form.
Due to privacy procedures, some documents filed electronically will not be available online. When a user tries to access a document that is not available online, the System will display the message, “The document has been restricted. If this document is not redacted or sealed it may be viewed in the Clerk’s Office...” Restricted documents will be available for viewing and printing at the Clerk’s Office or may be purchased in paper form. For instructions on purchasing a restricted document by mail, please call 918-699-4072.
Can any member of the public use CM/ECF to file documents with a court?
No. Access to CM/ECF is available to authorized attorneys, trustees, and on a limited basis to high volume creditors.
Who do I notify about a possible fraudulent bankruptcy filing?
The Office of the U. S. Trustee reviews complaints and concerns about possible fraudulent filings, and notifies the U.S. Attorney for further investigation when appropriate.
For more information on reporting suspected fraud, please go to the U.S. Department of Justice website at the following link:
Alternatively, you may contact the U. S. Trustee at:
Office of the United States Trustee
224 S. Boulder Avenue, Suite 225
Tulsa, OK 74103
Phone: 918- 581-6670
Fax: 918- 581-6674